Over £2.0 billion lost to stress at work
Stress at work – more could be done to help by employers!
The Sunday Express Crusade For Better Mental Health has reported that over 45 million working days were lost in the last 3 years due to stress, anxiety and depression.
In 2015 a record 17 million working days were lost, costing the UK economy at elast £2.4 billion. The TUC also reported that someone in Britain is made ill by stress at work every two minutes and warned that the mental symptoms of stress vary from sleeplessness and listlessness to clinical depression and unfortunately in severe cases even suicide. The TUC general Secretary Frances O’Grady stated that ” much more needs to be done to stop bosses treating their staff like machines, it’s in no ones interests to have stressed out workforces. People who experience high anxiety are less productive and are more likely to take time off”.
Ahed Therapies provides workplace support for companies who may have staff suffering from mental health issues looking to get them back into the workplace as soon as possible. If you would like to receive more information on our Occupational Health services please do contact us today.