Why choose the Psychiatry Clinic London – Ahed Therapies?
The Psychiatry Clinic London – Ahed Therapies
What is psychiatry?
Psychiatry is a medical speciality which looks at the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mental health conditions. Within a psychiatry clinic , the doctor who undertakes treatment is a psychiatrist.
There is an important difference between a psychiatrist and other mental health professionals, such as psychologists and counsellors. Psychiatrists must be medically qualified doctors who have chosen to specialise in psychiatry. This means they can prescribe medication as well as recommend other forms of treatment.
Making an appointment with a psychiatrist.
You can arrange an appointment via your GP or by contacting the psychiatry clinic direct.
You can check the details of a psychiatrist, including their area of speciality, by looking on the medical register (a directory of all practising doctors in the UK). Visit the GMC Site to view the entry for Dr. Alastair Clarke Walker.
If a clinician has the letters MRCPsych (Member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists) or FRCPsych (Fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists) after their name, they’re a current member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists (RCPsych).
A psychiatry clinic appointment at the Ahed Therapies psychiatry clinic -London.
During your initial appointment our psychiatrist will carry out an initial assessment. This will look at both your mental and physical health and could involve:
- asking you questions about your life and thoughts
- reviewing your current issues
- carrying out blood tests or scans to rule out other health conditions
After assessing your condition, the psychiatrist may prescribe medication for you or may recommend other treatments such as counselling or cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT).
If you wish to make an appointment please call us today at our psychiatry clinic in London on 020 7993 4151